好片高跟凉鞋美女作为好莱坞大制作战争片能在主旋律镣铐之下找到如此独特的视角去切入非常智慧感谢选角导演让我们看到这么多好演员精彩的群戏P.S.我囧的兵长头太英气了比MR里还好看浓眉大眼黑发小尖脸瞳仁里天幕璀璨 O GOD
Some dreams come true, some didn't. But keep on dreaming. This is Hollywood. Always time to dream, so keep on dreaming. I love this movie. Too bad I spent too little time in LA. Besides, is that because the city is dying? How come I didn't like it at all? Wish I can visit again.